Me with my husband Tom and daughter Vivienne Knobel (2012).

Me with my husband Tom and daughter Vivienne Knobel (2012).

Family Life

Throughout my life, I have been blessed with a wonderful family. My parents brought up their children with love, with the self-confidence to be independent, with a passion for life, and with a commitment to “do the right thing.” Our hardworking grandparents, aunts and uncles were important role models for us. Each of my siblings has pursued his or her passions; I am so proud of each of them, as I hope they are of me. Our cousins are a constant source of energy and love. 

I consider it an honor to have very close friends – so many sisters and brothers. Those friends are in Cortland County, Syracuse, Chicago, many places in the US and, thanks to WFP and the UN, are all over the world. 

Since 2011, I have been part of a new family of three – Tom and Vivi Knobel and me. They are a great joy and unexpected gifts. 

I can’t wait to watch and support the careers and adult lives of my nephews, nieces, godson, and of Vivi. The world awaits them all!